This bay is split into two arms and is very attractive, Pikupiku Bay on the north-western side is a scenic reserve and on the eastern shore there are a number of attractive holiday homes.
Pikupiku Bay features a small Department of Conservation camp area that is great for a quiet picnic among the native bush.
There is a 5 knot speed buoy as you enter the bay.
A small distance back from the shore is an old tree with many boats’ names and dates carved into it (witness of the popularity of this excellent anchorage).
The head of this arm is gusty in strong conditions and shallow along the north-eastern shore.
The beaches at the head of each arm are pleasant and consist of small golden shingle and sand.
Most of the beaches are covered at high water. There are toilets and fireplaces at the head of each arm.
The right arm has a public wharf on the western side.
There is just over one metre of water at LW alongside the wharf.
There are ski lanes marked on the beach due north of the beacon on the eastern side of the bay.
Holding is good at the head of both arms, with much the same depth and there is shelter from all N sector winds.
The cove on the western side provides excellent all weather shelter, if boats are pulled back to the shore with a stern line.
The right arm is open to S to SW winds and gives limited shelter at the head in SE winds.
The small cove south of the beacon gives best shelter in SE winds but there are wharves and jetties here and it may be difficult to get a line ashore.