The entrance to this bay is very shallow and blocked by a sand bank extending from the northern shore. There is 2.5 m of water close to the southern side of the entrance, but the rest of the entrance is little more than 1.5m deep.
Once in the bay, the depth increases to 6m. The head of the bay is good holding and provides shelter from most winds if close to shore in the north-west corner.
Care should be exercised when laying anchors as the bottom is covered in cabbage-like seaweed. A pick anchor is recommended.
The anchor should be sharply jerked once laid to ensure it immediately bites down through the weed into the sand, otherwise it will slide and become fouled by weed.
feedback from other users also indicates that the cabbage may be bad but the silt/clay bottom is worse, it tends to suck heavy anchors down and can make retrieval extremely hard