At the southern end of this bay is the Te Mahia motel complex. It consists of 8 self-serviced units and has an extensive shop. There is a short wharf here, but the large tidal range can make it difficult to use. Access to the wharf is on the inner side only.
Holding in this area is only fair and the main part of the bay is open to all winds. Anchorage is not recommended in the southern end of the bay, out from the old guest house. The three coves on the eastern side of the bay provide better shelter, in particular, the outermost cove provides good shelter in all weather.
The middle cove has a number of moorings in it however it can be difficult to find room to anchor. The innermost cove is a slightly more exposed and is not recommended in heavy NW winds but is satisfactory in S sector winds.
Just outside the eastern entrance to the bay is a small cove, which gives excellent shelter in S sector winds, as well as good holding.
There is road access from Te Mahia to the head of Onahau in Queen Charlotte Sound and one can also walk over the saddle into the Queen Charlotte Sound which takes about half an hour.