This description relates to the wider body of water before the three bays at the head of Onahau
This bay is very attractive and has good anchorages. Cables are laid across the bottom of various parts of the bay so care must be taken when anchoring.
It is used as an access route to Kenepuru via the road over the saddle to Te Mahia.
The other unnamed bay on the east side of Onahau is very attractive but is not very suitable for overnight anchorage except in settled weather.
S sector winds blow straight in and in N sector winds it is not possible to pull into the bank out of the wind.
The north corner has a very quaint horseshoe cove, which is sheltered from all but strong NW winds.
There is little room to manoeuvre and there are some moorings.
Rocks are visible under the clear water on both sides of the entrance to the cove.
It is essential to stay in the middle of the channel.