The hotel and access to Queen Charlotte Sound have made this bay a focal point of Kenepuru Sound. The hotel is licensed and the dining room is open to casual guests. The hotel operates a bus service from Portage to Torea Bay and will arrange to meet water taxis.
The wharf has deep water at all states of the tide at the seaward end. The wharf is available to visitors and berthage should be arranged at the hotel.
The Marina beside the public jetty is unusable and has been largely removed apart from the support poles and several floating piers. Fresh water can be obtained at the public jetty.
To the north-west of the wharf there is a large flat rock, about 15m x 18m, which is nearly covered at HW. Extending from this rock for about 25m is a reef, parallel to the wharf which dries in parts at LWS.
Holding in front of the hotel is mediocre and is not recommended in wind from any direction. W to N winds blow straight into the bay with considerable force and S sector winds are funnelled over the saddle from Torea Bay. The moorings out from the hotel can be rented from there. In N sector winds, the area to the north close to the jetty, is comfortable with calm water and little wind. A stern line is not essential, but will help to keep the boat out of wind gusts. If one is using a stern line, it is essential to allow for the large tidal range. Note this anchorage can be very uncomfortable in S to SW winds.
About 600metres to the west of Portage Hotel gives shelter in S sector winds however it must be noted that a stern line is impractical.